Tire Streets

A Brand Guide including Brand Foundation, Brand Voice, & Key Messaging

BRand Guide

Tire Streets needed a way to speak to the different segments that made up their audience pool. They sell specialty tires to drifters, off-roaders, performance drivers, rally car racers, and motorsports enthusiasts.

As a result, Tire Streets had four main product offerings accompanied by five separate audience segments. The brand needed to be true to the company’s core while the voice needed to speak to all groups without prejudice.

An excerpt from the Tire Streets' brand guide

Brand Voice Strategy

In collaboration with Major Tom, I conducted workshops and customer interviews that unveiled the motivations, frustrations, and goals of each disparate audience segment. We found them to be similar but with different priority weightings.

The voice guide strategy involved one cohesive corporate voice guide accompanied by specific key messaging and archetypes. The voice guide contains voice attributes, examples of what they look like in action, and a persona. The key messaging communicates the priority USP for each audience group. The complete guide shows Tire Streets how to speak and what to say to whom.

An excerpt from a brand voice guide

BRand Foundation

As well as a voice guide strategy, we helped Tire Streets to better quantify their brand substance in the form of a brand foundation. This included a vision and mission statement, a brand promise, and a set of values.

We created and facilitated a branding workshop designed to uncover Tire Streets’ personality, perceptions, goals, strengths, and weaknesses.

Then, I distilled that information into the brand foundation copy.

Brand Voice attribute Sample

Brand vision &

mission statements

excerpt froma freelance brand guide

Brand archetype sample

brand guide excerpt

Vancillary Brand Guide